Friday, November 7, 2008

Quantum of Solace...

Last night was the BOND!!! (get it? the BOND...what i meant was the BOMB, since last night I watched the new Bond movie...argh! whatever )

The movie was tight, but why the heck they destroyed the Aston Martin DBS. Bond ripped the door just like went PUFF!! Gone baby! And the movie showed the car for only like 2 seconds (its longer actually...but WTH??!!!)

But, overall the movie was OK. I must say the fights scenes are kinda KICK-ASS. All the glass shattering, door breaking, wall busting and yeah...GETTING AN AXE BETWEEN YOUR FREAKIN" TOES...that was surely my favorite scene in the movie. All the audience was like...OUCH!! I even grabbed my toes, checking if mine also caught an axe between it...LOL!

Check the movie's website Quantum of Solace. It has cool stuffs, like games and can be a Bond if you want..think about the Bond Girls...right...???