Wednesday, April 16, 2008


Yosh Mina!

Guess what I stumbled upon in my friend's hard no.. porns? hell no..i guess.. Its a freaking movie..Its called JUNO, its light-real-life-comedy movie. It stars Ellen Page
as Juno from X-Men and Michael Cera as Paulie Bleeker from Super Bad. Its a fun movie were Juno found out the she has gone preggy with her best friend Bleeker. Juno is a typical hardrock + indie + grunge girl who has a 'thing' for her best friend Bleeker, who is the other hand an obnoxiously-extreme Tic Tac addict cum school runner, thus the orange colored theme for the movie. Bleeker also secretly have a 'thing' for Juno...what a shock?! NOT!! HaHaHa.. I really didn't know if the movie was released in Malaysia or not.

Check-out how the story spins and twirls, when Juno ( my girlfriend to-be :p )try to deal with her pregnancy..

P/S: Who ever wants the movie just contact Asan Taring


zanasmon said...

macam best le pulak. bagitau asan taring aku nak pinjam.